Monday 31 January 2011


Questions explored within this text: 

1. My role across, pre production/ production and post. 
2. Where we would distributed.
3. Target audience and how we aimed to reach them. [1] Refer to Blog post: Evaluation Questions.
4. How has the short film differed from the original ideas. 

The short film, I produced was 'Raine' alongside my group of Perpe and Roisin. The origins of the idea for 'Raine' was devised because my group wanted to produce a Socially effecting film which tackle a sensitive issues. We wanted the film to appeal to our target audience of 13- 19  year olds, who the film's issues would effect. 

Pre- Production

During pre production, we began by brainstorming  ideas on what issues we thought our short film should tackle. We had many different opinions and ideas, however we compromised and decided to use alcohol abuse and addiction. We then, discussed how we wanted our film to visually look like and what sequences and influenced of other short films we would include. We strongly wanted to have a dream sequence within our short film, where our main character Raine, 'slips' into her 'alcohol' fueled world.  Our influence for the dream sequence was Florence and the Machine's music video, Dog Days Are Over. The imagery and disorientated camera techniques really inspired me. 
Another influence was the short film, 'Slap', which has strong diegetic sound to intensify the realism of scenes. We wanted to integrate the non diegetic sound with diegetic sound to create a balance between the two. 

One of my many roles during pre production was to draw the storyboard and devise innovative camera angle for 'Raine'. I found this process enjoyable and fairly straightforward as I was well planned. I was the active member who seeked actresses/ actors for our short film, and I felt that it was successful as I choose the actors/ actresses to the brief. 


During filming the short film, there were many difficulties which we had to overcome. On the first day of filming, the camera stopped working, which led to having to resort to using a digital SLR to take pictures for our short film. I found this an example of our group working well under pressure and thinking on the stop. On the second day of filming, a few of our scheduled actors cancelled, so we had to cal back-up's to take places of those acting spaces. 

I was mostly directing the short films and scenes, where Perpe was co- ordinating actions and Roisin was acting in the short film. I found directing the short film challenging at time due to geographic location of our scenes e.g.: shooting the nightmare sequence in the woods on hills', however I overcame this hurdle by creating innovative alternatives. 


I found editing fairly straight- forward, at times, as were able to refer back to our storyboard to remind us of what needed to be completed and to what effect. 
Adding effects and filters to many scenes, presented difficulties, as this was very time consuming, and frustrating. We however ended up using a Final Cut Pro Guide, which helped us understand the software better and achieve what we needed. 

The iMac being stole from college caused slight problems to the short film schedule, as it was held up for a month and we momentum for editing, however I feel we still was able to produce a substantial  quality of work. 

Raine Title:
I was assisted to make titles for 'Raine' which I felt I produced a very effective and fitting title. I felt i was able to use my creative and photoshop skills to greater use during this project.

I overall feel that the short film is the desired outcome we wanted. I feel it powerful in its message and the visually innovation and techniques used create a unique and creative short film. 'Raine' adheres to to codes and conventions of short film as it is less than 55 minute in length and is low budget. I feel the title is bold and the non diegetic music is atmospheric to the short film. I feel with more time, many aspect of 'Raine' could be improved.


Social networks is a key tool I would be using to distribute this short film, as it is statistically shown that our target audience are most active upon virtual video sharing domain such as YouTube and Vimeo. YouTube and Vimeo are free video hosting websites, which will allow our short film to have presence online and YouTube received over 300+ million views daily.

I would also use our short film as an educational tool for schools and colleges. This could be achieved by burning the film onto disc and sending around to school head-teachers, explaining what use the short film could have in PHSE lesson for young people. Although the film is partially graphic, it has a strong message and moral for our target audience to understand. 

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