Red Bag Pictures is an independent company.
1. What motivated you to get into Short Film?
I had completed an evening course at Carshalton College in TV & Video Production and I wanted to practice my craft in a live environment.
2. What is RedBag Pictures? include: - History of Redbag.- What you produce.- Awards- Reason for setting up. - What films you direct and produce & Why?( Could you send a few shorts over, please.)
Redbag Pictures is a small privately owned production company specialising in Audio/Visual Production and soon Training. I wanted to have control over the films I made and create an inclusive and diverse environment within which a bridge could be created to the wider industry.
3. What do shorts offer that feature films cannot?
Freedom to be truly creative, make mistakes and learn your craft.
4. What is the significance with Short films and the internet?
Making any film is the easier part getting it distributed is tougher. The internet has started to make distribution easier.
5. What do short films offer aspiring film directors and those just breaking into the industry?
A chance to showcase what they can do on limited resources.
6. From experience and generally speaking, How experimental can you be with short film?
As experimental as you want, depending on what audience you have in mind when you start.
7. What's the future for short films? - Advancements in technology.
I would like to see a broader mainstream appreciation for shorts in their own right. Being screened across all media platforms, sold as compilation albums or mixtapes once were.
8. Will short films develop more of a presence amongst the TV circuit?
We already have channel 4 with Coming Up & 3 minute wonders but it would be good to see the other broadcasters coming in line with similar slots.
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